Healthy Little Note: Issue #51


Hi there!

I don't know about you, but I'm SO looking forward to Thanksgiving this week. My favorite thing is probably not so traditional, but it's my mom's apple crisp. When the night is over, you most definitely can find me eating the rest of the crumble off the top - trying to beat my husband to it too. Ha!

Speaking of Thanksgiving, it'll probably be a bit of a later evening for your little one. So, start the day off with well-rested naps, and if you're going somewhere, bring all the nighttime things with you. Think pack n play, pJs, books, white noise, etc. That way, you can put your little down for bed in another room to start, and then transfer when you get home.

Now onto this weeks newsletter...

This is the fun part! You all have been sending in some great questions, and now I'm answering them here!

Let's do this!

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When you sign up for this newsletter, you get an email from me where I ask you if you have any questions about sleep and what your currently struggling with or trying to figure out.

And I love love love responding to you. I thought I'd share a few with you here because they are great questions! And I'll often talk about them in Insta Stories too.

So, go check out my latest post on what you're all asking about recently. And keep sending me your questions too! After all, this is for YOU!

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You guys, Nicole is hosting a newborn sleep webinar with the Bump to Baby Webinar Series - from nutrition to newborn sleep to early language, this series has it all!

There is one webinar each day this week and you can sign up here! Her newborn sleep workshop is on Tuesday @ 1pm CST.

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Right before the holiday on December 20th, you can find me at Beverly Hills Pediatrics for another talk on Newborn Sleep AND Younger Baby/Toddler Sleep (as young as 5mos+). Make sure you sign up here!

Can't make these local sleep talks and wish you could? Get on the list for the next live sleep talk with me.

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AND If you have some questions of your own... I've got ya - go here to schedule a FREE 15-minute call with me or Nicole, and we can chat about it!

OR as always, just reply to this email with any questions you have, and I'll be happy to answer.

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Well, that's it for this issue!

Hope you enjoyed it and I'd LOVE if you shared it with your friends on social media or spread the word on the local Mommy gossip circuit - thanks!


PS - You can send people here to subscribe to get the next Healthy Little Note!

NewsletterSusie Menkes