A Healthy Little Note: Issue #36

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Hi there!

Hope you had a great weekend! I spent part of mine in San Diego at a workshop and got to sleep in! Perhaps you saw it on my insta stories.

If not, well... I'll fill you in. I'm getting reading to launch my online course: Mastering Newborn Sleep! Yep, I made what I do on the weekly with my one-on-one newborn clients accessible to you. Find out here when it goes live! I can't wait to share this with all of you...

OK, now onto this week's newsletter.

I've got a great podcast for you on Peaceful Parenting (a must listen in my book), some tips on teaching your littles some good manners, a great article on how to help your little cope with screen time meltdowns, a new must-have bedtime book that my kids and I love, and important information on a recall of a popular product many parents use to help their little ones sleep.

Let's do this! 

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I want a new daddy! You're not the boss of me! I hate you! You're the worst mom ever! Sound familiar?

Please please please listen to this! I love this interview with Dr. Laura Markham on how we can find better ways to connect with our kids when the going gets tough. She also talks about how to handle the aforementioned situations that feel as if our littles are pushing our buttons or are being defiant or rude.

Best part? Her examples! It's so amazing when you put her principles into practice the shift you can see with your little ones.

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Our friends over at What's Up Moms have a great video on how to teach our kids good manners in public. They brought on expert etiquette coach, speaker and author Rachel Isgar to teach the kids a thing or two.

From showing a proper handshake, to expressing thanks for playdates, to making eye contact, WUMs has the lowdown. I loved watching this one with my kids and then practicing with them after - or trying to, at least.

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I am all too familiar with screen time meltdowns to the point there are no screens after dinner in our house. My kids can get sucked into a vortex even when they know "just one show". And when it's over, they can have a hard time coping.

This great article from the Wall Street Journal talks about why this happens and what you can do about it. From instilling some screen time rules to allowing your kids be involved in setting those limits... check it out.

I also love the book The Art of Screen Time: How Your Family Can Balance Digital Media and Real Life by Anya Kamenetz. I highly recommend this read - I've gotten some great tools from this one!

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Last month Hoda Kotb launched her new bedtime book You Are My Happy. So, last week I went to the bookstore to check it out, and it's a keeper! Naturally, I bought the book, and my kids love it too!

It's super cute, has a great message, and can help instill those bedtime rituals that support good sleep habits.

This medium article talks about the book more and touches on a few ways you can make the most of time right before your little goes to bed.

What books are you reading right now with your littles at bedtime? ... I'd love to know your favorites!

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Last week Consumer Reports and the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly urged for a recall of the Fisher Price Rock 'n Play sleeper after a reported 32 deaths! This is so so sad.

You can find out more details on this recall here. Let's make sure and follow the AAPs ABCs of sleep - Alone, Back to sleep, in the Crib (or flat bassinet for that matter).

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Well, that's it for this issue!

If you have some questions of your own... whether it's about sleep, products, or behavior I've got ya - go here to schedule a FREE 15-minute call with me and we can chat about it!

Or, as always, just reply to this email with any questions you have, and I'll be happy to answer.

Hope you enjoyed it and I'd LOVE if you shared it with your friends on social media or spread the word on the local Mommy gossip circuit - thanks!


PS - You can send people here to subscribe to get the next Healthy Little Note!